What would you like to learn about?
Since 2016, statistics show that 3 out of 4 opioid-related deaths in Canada were men and of those who were employed at the time of their death, between 30% and 50% of them worked in a trade.
42% of men who were hospitalized for opioid use also dealt with a mental health challenge. Despite this, their friends and loved ones are often unaware that they might be struggling.
This highlights the need for compassion, understanding, and support, as well as increased awareness and resources to address this widespread issue.
Through access to effective treatment, counselling, and peer support, individuals can reclaim their lives and begin a journey toward healing.
What would you like to learn about?
Regional addictions and mental health services.
If you are in an emergency, call 911.
National Overdose Response Service
Alberta's Virtual Opioid Dependency Program
British Columbia
Alcohol and Drug Information Referral Service
1-866-531-2600 or text CONNEX to 247247